🌐 ACS BUSINESS FORUM 2024: Elevate Your Brand in the Caribbean Market! 📅 When: May 6-7, 2024 📍 Where: Torarica, Paramaribo, Suriname   Exciting news! You’re invited to the prestigious ACS Business Forum, a game-changer for your business in the Greater...
Suriname op de Vakantiebeurs Utrecht 2024

Suriname op de Vakantiebeurs Utrecht 2024

Goed nieuws ❗️We staan samen met onze partners, SLM en de SHATA op de #Vakantiebeurs in Utrecht van 11 januari t/m 14 januari 2024! Kom je onze stand ook bezoeken?Vind ons in Hal 12 standnummer D082We kijken naar jou uit ❤🧡💛...
Why Visit Suriname

Pourquoi visiter le Suriname

Ceux qui choisissent le Suriname comme destination de vacances le font pour une raison. Nous vous en donnerons quelques-uns ici. La jungle Plus de 85% du Suriname se compose de jungle vierge. Cette forêt tropicale humide appartient au bassin amazonien et abrite une richesse de la flore et...
Facts About Suriname

Faits sur le Suriname

Location:  Suriname is located in Northern South America bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, north of Brazil, east of Guyana & west of French Guiana. Population: 591,798 (2021). Capital: Paramaribo.         Ethnicity: Surinamese. Composition: Indians,...
Journey to Suriname

Voyage au Surinam

Accessibility of Suriname from different regions For European countries, but also for travelers from Africa and the Middle and Far East, Amsterdam is the best connection to Suriname. The direct route between Amsterdam and Paramaribo is maintained by KLM and the...
Transport In Suriname

Transport Au Surinam

In Suriname, there are various forms of transport offered. The least expensive and most enjoyable is travelling by bus. The wild bus, that is. Because although Suriname does have public transport, these ‘lanti’ buses are used on limited routes and they run less...