An hour before you reach the district of Nickerie from the district of Coronie by road, you will already notice the landscape changing. Instead of lush greenery, you will now see polders and the harvest drying along the road.
Upon entering Nieuw Nickerie – the capital of the district – you immediately come across one of the local main attractions: the bustling public market. The delicious shaved ice sold there comes in various colors and is very refreshing, especially in warm weather.
A wide range of fresh vegetables and locally grown fruit are offered. The friendly atmosphere and the warmth of the people make a visit to this charming spot well worth it.
Opposite the market stands the Commissariat; a building that immediately stands out due to its blue-green color and distinctive architecture.
Another typical sight is the Zoetwater Canal, which runs like a main artery through Nieuw Nickerie. The iconic nature of this canal lies in the typical lotus flowers that give off a pink glow when they are in bloom.
Nickerie is also known for the bird paradise Bigi Pan, which means “big lake.” It is a protected nature reserve where many birds and reptiles can be admired.
One custom that Nickerians never deviate from is the siesta, which takes place between 1 and 4 PM. Shops close, and the streets are quiet. After the siesta, economic activity picks up again. The Zeedijk of Nieuw Nickerie is a popular place for locals, who like to visit in the afternoon to enjoy the breeze or the view of the Corantijn River, which forms the border with neighboring Guyana.
Many Nickerians cross over to Guyana from the Zeedijk. The influence of the neighboring country is also clearly heard when locals converse. Many conversations are peppered with typical Guyanese English words such as “just now” (later) and “oh raas man!” (oh dear man!).
‘Post Rotterdam’ was the original name of the capital of Nickerie in its early days. Originally located on the right bank, the town was moved to the left bank of the Nickerie River in 1879 due to encroaching seawater. Hence the official name “Nieuw Nickerie.”
Nickerie borders the district of Sipaliwini to the south and the district of Coronie to the east. The Nickerie River originates in Sipaliwini and flows all the way to Nickerie.